Manufacturer information

Standex-Meder Electronics produces electromagnetic components. The product range includes planar transformers, Rogowski coils, current transformers, low and high frequency transformers and inductive components. The company is also a world leader in the design and manufacture of magnetically actuated reed switches, relays and sensors. Standex-Meder Electronics offers customers custom-made products, but can also rely on standard versions. Heilind supplies you with the products from 1 piece.


Reed switch
Reed relays
Reed sensors


Automotive industry
measuring technology
Medicine & Healthcare
Industrial machinery
Military & armor


StandexMeder Electronics GmbH
Robert-Bosch-Str. 4
78224 Singen

Your expert on Standex-Meder solutions:

Piotr Sedziak

Product Manager
Phone: +48 668 520 624
E-Mail: psedziak(at)

Contact us

Heilind Electronics Europe

Heilind Electronics GmbH

Telephone: 49 (0) 32 211 216 150
E-Mail: vertrieb(at)

Heilind Electronics Sp. z o.o.

Telephone: +48 662 703 050
E-Mail: info_cee(at)